2016 Blitz Swiss (10 min) – May 30

Final Standings – Monday 30 May

Place Name                  Rtg Loc  Score
  1   Barak Atzmon-Simon        2155 9    
  2   Nazarito Cabale           2001 7.5  
  3   Jose Alvarez              1712 7    
4-5  Marcus Dabb               1500 5.5  
      Victor Ibrahim            1642 5.5  
6-11  Jeremy Plunkett           1600 5    
      Peter Cassettari          1802 5    
      Glynn Curran              1621 5    
      Muhamed Buza              1607 5    
      Sayum Rupasinghe          981  5    
      Jijo Raj Balakrishnan          5    
12-14 Baby Joseph               1516 4.5  
      Rodolfo Cristobal         2019 4.5  
      Husein Bristina           1930 4.5  
15-18 Stevan Stipic             1695 4    
      Cameron Mcgowan           1419 4    
      John Yao                  1729 4    
      Terry Duckworth           1485 4    
19-20 Adam Saiti                1396 3.5  
      Allan Goldsmith           1103 3.5  
21-23 Yifu Wu                   1250 3    
      Katherine Pan             544  3    
      Lisa Liu                       3    
24   Victor Flindall           734  2.5  
25   Kieran Willathgamuwa           2    
26   Sartaj Guron                   1    
27   Abinesh Janarthanan            0.5

Please ensure you email byes@rootyhillchessclub.org if you are unable to make it to your game.