2016 Rapid Swiss

Final Standings and Cross Table – Monday 27 July


Place Name                    Rtg  Loc  Score Wins
1-3  Mcgowan, Cameron             1651 5        5
      Camer, Angelito              2041 5        4
      Plunkett, Jeremy             1600 5        4
  4   Cabilin, Jeff                1890 4.5      4
5-8  Cassettari, Peter            1821 4        4
      Tenorio, Leonardo            1785 4        4
      Curran, Glynn                1623 4        4
      Dibley, Shane E              1613 4        4
9-10  Cabale, Nazarito             2000 3.5      3
      Wu, Yifu                     1314 3.5      3
11-16 Ranganathan, Parunithan 1745 1673 3        3
      Yao, John                    1639 3        3
      Dabb, Marcus                 1500 3        3
      Saiti, Adam                  1391 3        3
      Alvarez, Jose                1669 3        2
      Herreros, Bill               1450 3        1
17-20 Duckworth, Terry             1631 2.5      2
      Rupasinghe, Sayum            980  2.5      2
      Buza, Muhamed                1588 2.5      1
      Goldsmith, Allan             1066 2.5      1
21-24 Adams, Jonathan              1556 2        2
      Zhao Chen, Winston           817  2        2
      Cheah, Chris                 680  2        2
      Flindall, Victor             872  2        1
25-28 Bristina, Husein             1892 1        1
      Montenegro, Jesson           1873 1        1
      Ibrahim, Victor              1611 1        1
      Jovanovic, Stevan            1413 1        1
29   Joseph, Alwin                1255 0.5      0
30-31 Quesada, Eddie               1359 0        0
      Guron, Sartaj                230  0        0

Cross Table

No Name                    Loc  Total  1    2    3    4    5    6  
1  Mcgowan, Cameron        1651 5     10:W 28:W  7:W  6:W  2:L  5:W
2  Camer, Angelito         2041 5      3:D  5:W 13:W  9:W  1:W  4:D
3  Plunkett, Jeremy        1600 5      2:D 19:D 26:W 27:W  6:W  9:W
4  Cabilin, Jeff           1890 4.5   16:W  7:L 27:W 17:W  8:W  2:D
5  Cassettari, Peter       1821 4     28:W  2:L 19:W  7:W 15:W  1:L
6  Tenorio, Leonardo       1785 4     14:W 27:W 17:W  1:L  3:L 13:W
7  Curran, Glynn           1623 4     18:W  4:W  1:L  5:L 22:W 14:W
8  Dibley, Shane E         1613 4     26:L 10:W 24:W 25:W  4:L 15:W
9  Cabale, Nazarito        2000 3.5   19:D 24:W 25:W  2:L 12:W  3:L
10 Wu, Yifu                1314 3.5    1:L  8:L 22:W 28:W 17:D 20:W
11 Ranganathan, Parunithan 1673 3      0:   0:   0:  31:W 21:W 17:W
12 Yao, John               1639 3     29:W 13:L 18:W 21:L  9:L 22:W
13 Dabb, Marcus            1500 3     25:W 12:W  2:L 15:L 18:W  6:L
14 Saiti, Adam             1391 3      6:L 20:W 15:L 24:W 23:W  7:L
15 Alvarez, Jose           1669 3      0:L  0:W 14:W 13:W  5:L  8:L
16 Herreros, Bill          1450 3      4:L 22:L 29:D 20:D  0:W 23:W
17 Duckworth, Terry        1631 2.5   20:W 26:W  6:L  4:L 10:D 11:L
18 Rupasinghe, Sayum       980  2.5    7:L 23:W 12:L 26:W 13:L 19:D
19 Buza, Muhamed           1588 2.5    9:D  3:D  5:L 22:L 24:W 18:D
20 Goldsmith, Allan        1066 2.5   17:L 14:L 28:W 16:D  0:W 10:L
21 Adams, Jonathan         1556 2      0:   0:   0:  12:W 11:L 28:W
22 Zhao Chen, Winston      817  2     27:L 16:W 10:L 19:W  7:L 12:L
23 Cheah, Chris            680  2     24:L 18:L 30:W 29:W 14:L 16:L
24 Flindall, Victor        872  2     23:W  9:L  8:L 14:L 19:L  0:W
25 Bristina, Husein        1892 1     13:L 29:W  9:L  0:L  0:   0: 
26 Montenegro, Jesson      1873 1      8:W 17:L  3:L  0:L  0:   0: 
27 Ibrahim, Victor         1611 1     22:W  6:L  4:L  0:L  0:   0: 
28 Jovanovic, Stevan       1413 1      5:L  1:L 20:L 10:L 31:W 21:L
29 Joseph, Alwin           1255 .5    12:L 25:L 16:D 23:L  0:   0: 
30 Quesada, Eddie          1359 0      0:   0:  23:   0:   0:   0: 
31 Guron, Sartaj           230  0      0:   0:   0:  11:L 28:L  0: 

Please ensure you email byes@rootyhillchessclub.org if you are unable to make it to your game.