2017 Australian Juniors – Brisbane

Well done Sayum and Cameron!

U10 Open 9 Rounds:

No Name                Fed ACF Total  1     2   3     4    5    6    7   8   9  
1  Zheng, Marco Le Lun NSW 753  8.5 50:W  4:W 11:W  6:W  2:W  7:W  3:D  5:W 18:W
2  Rupasinghe, Sayum  NSW 845  8   49:W 47:W 17:W 12:W  1:L 13:W  9:W  3:W  6:W
3  Sanusi-Goh, Gavyn   VIC 1079 7   56:W 43:W 14:D  9:W 16:W  5:W  1:D  2:L 11:W
4  Atia, Raphael       QLD 419  7   66:W  1:L 49:W  8:L 38:W 58:W 12:W 20:W 15:W
5  Chang, Sophie       VIC 639  6.5 52:W 38:W 18:W 10:D 25:W  3:L 34:W  1:L 19:W
6  Lo, Jonathan        QLD 823  6.5 44:W 30:W 40:W  1:L 24:D 19:W  7:W 14:W  2:L
7  Retnaraja, Ethan    SA  729  6.5 60:W 37:W 16:D 14:W 10:W  1:L  6:L 26:W 17:W
8  Kobituwakku, Dulin  QLD      6.5 26:L 53:W 32:W  4:W 11:L 55:W 25:W 15:D 14:W
U14 Open 9 Rounds:
No Name                 Fed ACF  Tot  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9  
1  Zou, Brendan         VIC 1778 8.5 16:W  6:W  7:W  3:D  4:W  2:W  8:W  9:W 12:W
2  Clarke, Matthew      NSW 1866 7   22:D 23:W 13:W  7:W  3:W  1:L  4:W  6:W 11:D
3  Wang, Kayson         VIC 1759 6.5 26:W 18:W 19:W  1:D  2:L 10:W  6:D  7:W  4:D
4  McGowan, Cameron    NSW 1624 6   28:W 14:W  5:W 12:D  1:L  9:W  2:L 18:W  3:D
5  Poberezovsky, Daniel VIC 1234 6   40:W 20:W  4:L 24:W  8:L  7:L 21:W 15:W  6:W

Please ensure you email byes@rootyhillchessclub.org if you are unable to make it to your game.