2021 Rooty Hill Summer Cup

2021 Summer Cup – Monday 16 March

Final Standings

 Pos  Name                   FIDE  Pts 
-------------------------------------- 1 Huynh,Arthur 2051 8.0 2-3 Luchtmeijer,Ton 2039 7.0 Plunkett,Jeremy 1881 7.0 4-11 McGowan,Cameron 2155 6.0 Mangrobang,Noel 2037 6.0 Tefanis,Frank 1964 6.0 Peramunetilleke,Seth 1861 6.0 Pigram,Daniel 1847 6.0 Marner,Gavin 1813 6.0 Vincent,Alaina 1798 6.0 Phan,James 0 6.0 12-16 Bukreyev,Andriy 2038 5.5 Christensen,Joshua 1815 5.5 Gaikwad,Nandkumar 1757 5.5 Kellett,Simon 1737 5.5 Anup Kumar,Vihaan 1398 5.5 17-30 Kordahi,Nicholas 1885 5.0 Cabilin,Jeff 1853 5.0 Siva Sankaran,Anup 1782 5.0 Muller,Hans P 1720 5.0 Rupasinghe,Sayum 1614 5.0 Adams,Jonathan 1595 5.0 Duckworth,Terry 1516 5.0 Liao,Jingni 1470 5.0 Wang,Daniel (Zhiyi) 1459 5.0 Hu,Edward 1435 5.0 Prithvi,Parthiv 1421 5.0 Al-Neemy Laith 1364 5.0 Laurente,Allan 0 5.0 Okan,Dennis 0 5.0 31-33 Jain,Kamal 1655 4.5 Tarek,Emad 1562 4.5 Wang,Caleb 521 4.5 34-46 Yao,John 1591 4.0 Kukrka,Sasa 1567 4.0 Damaschino,Lou 1527 4.0 Herreros,Bill 1518 4.0 Joseph,Baby 1459 4.0 Peramunetilleke,Savin 1458 4.0 Joseph,Albert 1365 4.0 Yap,Jonathan 1353 4.0 Rupasinghe,Chanya 1336 4.0 Assa,Khalad 0 4.0 Hmura,Ivan 0 4.0 Okan,Jed 0 4.0 Zhang,Richard 0 4.0 47 Assa, Walid 0 3.5 48-56 He,Angela 1473 3.0 Soliman,Soliman 1443 3.0 He,Andrew 1170 3.0 Ravichandran,Magesh 1097 3.0 Lin,Eric 286 3.0 Evans,Matthew 0 3.0 Griffiths,Alexander 0 3.0 Negi,Ravindra 0 3.0 Nichols,John 0 3.0 57-59 Morris,Gill 1682 2.5 Athalye,Rohit 0 2.5 Magesh,Devahuti 0 2.5 60-61 Cassettari,Peter 1721 2.0 Oshana,Fares 1308 2.0 62 Zolin,Stefan 0 1.5 63 Tomlinson,Peter 1033 1.0 64-67 Morgan,George 1683 0.0 Negi,Roma 0 0.0 Bala,Cesar 0 0.0 Vella,Arthur 747 0.0

Cross Table

POS NAME                  FIDE PTS   1   2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   
1 Huynh,Arthur          2051 8.0 +W15 +B7  +W5  =B9  =W8  +B11 +W3  +B2  +W10 
2 Luchtmeijer,Ton       2039 7.0 +B64 =W3  =B18 +W11 +B10 +W26 +B4  -W1  +B7    
3 Plunkett,Jeremy       1881 7.0 +W34 =B2  +W17 =B10 +W9  +B5  -B1  +W19 +W8  
4 McGowan,Cameron       2155 6.0 +B14 =BYE =W10 +B19 +W7  +B15 -W2  -B8  +W21 
5 Mangrobang,Noel       2037 6.0 +B31 +W13 -B1  +W20 +B18 -W3  +B26 -W10 +B19 
6 Tefanis,Frank         1964 6.0 +W21 =B9  =W8  -B15 +W34 +B12 =W11 =B13 +W22 
7 Peramunetilleke,Seth  1861 6.0 +B35 -W1  +B32 +W13 -B4  +W28 +B20 +W16 -W2 
8 Pigram,Daniel         1847 6.0 +B37 =W12 =B6  +W31 =B1  +W18 =B13 +W4  -B3 
9 Marner,Gavin          1813 6.0 +B48 =W6  +B12 =W1  -B3  +W52 -B16 +W24 +B20 
10 Vincent,Alaina        1798 6.0 +W24 +B17 =B4  =W3  -W2  +B42 +W15 +B5  -B1  
11 Phan,James               0 6.0 +B33 +W48 +W34 -B2  +BYE -W1  =B6  =W12 +B18 
12 Bukreyev,Andriy       2038 5.5 +W57 =B8  -W9  +W25 +B16 -W6  +B17 =B11 =W15 
13 Christensen,Joshua    1815 5.5 +W23 -B5  +W36 -B7  +W21 +B40  =W8 =W6  =B16 
14 Gaikwad,Nandkumar     1757 5.5 -W4  =B36 =W24 -B23 +W37 +B50 =W47 +W26 =B12 
16 Anup Kumar,Vihaan     1398 5.5 =W54 =B41 +W29 +B33 -W12 +B45 +W9  -B7  =W13 
17 Kordahi,Nicholas      1885 5.0 +B22 -W10 -B3  +W37 +B25 =BYE -W12 +B29 =W32 
18 Cabilin,Jeff          1853 5.0 =W36 +B19 =W2  +B21 -W5  -B8  +W40 +B32 -W11 
19 Siva Sankaran,Anup    1782 5.0 +B38 -W18 +B35 -W4  +B46 +W43 +B30 -B3  -W5 
20 Muller,Hans P         1720 5.0 =BYE =BYE +W23 -B5  +W32 +B29 -W7  +B25 -W9 
21 Rupasinghe,Sayum      1614 5.0 -B6  +W26 +B45 -W18 -B13 +W31 +B28 +W30 -B4 
22 Adams,Jonathan        1595 5.0 -W17 -B40 +W61 =BYE +B24 =W46 +B52 +W45 -B6   
23 Duckworth,Terry       1516 5.0 -B13 +W61 -B20 +W14 =B31 +W34 -B24 =W46 +B43 
24 Liao,Jingni           1470 5.0 -B10 =W43 =B14 +W35 -W22 +B53 +W23 -B9  +W40 
25 Wang,Daniel           1459 5.0 +B52 +W64 =W57 -B12 -W17 =BYE +B44 -W20 +B45 
26 Hu,Edward             1435 5.0 +W58 -B21 +W47 +B42 +W40 -B2  -W5  -B15 +B46 
27 Prithvi,Parthiv       1421 5.0 +B53 -W31 -B44 -W46 +B55 +W54 -W29 +B51 +W42 
28 Al-Neemy Laith        1364 5.0 +W59 -B34 +W30 -B57 +W47 -B7  -W21 +B37 +W36 
29 Laurente,Allan           0 5.0  --  +W51 -B16 +W49 +B61 -W20 +B27 -W17 +B39 
30 Okan,Dennis              0 5.0 +B51 -W37 -B28 +W48 +W50 +B39 -W19 -B21 +W38 
31 Jain,Kamal            1655 4.5 -W5  +B27 +W40 -B8  =W23 -B21 -W36 +B48 +W47 
32 Tarek,Emad            1562 4.5  --  +B50 -W7  +W38 -B20 +W44 +B43 -W18 =B17 
33 Wang,Caleb             521 4.5 -W11 +B59 +B48 -W16 -B45 =BYE +W63 +B47 -W14 
34 Yao,John              1591 4.0 -B3  +W28 -B11 +W44 -B6  -B23 -W42 +W54 +B52
35 Kukrka,Sasa           1567 4.0 -W7  +B42 -W19 -B24 +W38 -B47 +W50 -W14 +B55 
36 Damaschino,Lou        1527 4.0 =B18 =W14 -B13 =W43 -B52 +W58 +B31 =W39 -B28 
37 Herreros,Bill         1518 4.0 -W8  +B30 -W15 -B17 -B14 +W56 +B41 -W28 +W59 
38 Joseph,Baby           1459 4.0 -W19 -B15 +W50 -B32 -B35 +W65 +B54 +W44 -B30 
39 Peramunetilleke,Savin 1458 4.0 +W47 -B57 +W52 +B41 -W15 -W30 =B46 =B36 -W29 
40 Joseph,Albert         1365 4.0 +B44 +W22 -B31 +W45 -B26 -W13 -B18 +W52 -B24 
41 Yap,Jonathan          1353 4.0 =BYE =W16 +B55 -W39 -B43  --  -W37 +B56 +W51 
42 Rupasinghe,Chanya     1336 4.0 +B55 -W35 +B53 -W26 -B44 -W10 +B34 +W49 -B27 
43 Assa,Khalad              0 4.0 +W49 =B24 -W60 =B36 +W41 -B19 -W32 +B58 -W23 
44 Hmura,Ivan               0 4.0 -W40 +B49 +W27 -B34 +W42 -B32 -W25 -B38 +W50 
45 Okan,Jed                 0 4.0 +W63 +B54 -W21 -B40 +W33 -W16 +B49 -B22 -W25 
46 Zhang,Richard            0 4.0  --  =B58 +W54 +B27 -W19 =B22 =W39 =B23 -W26  
47 Assa, Walid              0 3.5 -B39 +W56 -B26 +W51 -B28 +W35 =B14 -W33 -B31 
48 He,Angela             1473 3.0 -W9  -B11 -W33 -B30 +B56 +W55 -B51 -W31 +B65 
49 Soliman,Soliman       1443 3.0 -B43 -W44 +W58 -B29 +W63 +B59 -W45 -B42  --  
50 He,Andrew             1170 3.0 +B56 -W32 -B38 +W55 -B30 -W14 -B35 +W65 -B44 
51 Ravichandran,Magesh   1097 3.0 -W30 -B29 +W65 -B47 -W53 +B63 +W48 -W27  B41 
52 Lin,Eric               286 3.0 -W25 +B65 -B39 +W56 +W36 -B9  -W22 -B40 -W34 
53 Evans,Matthew            0 3.0 -W27 +B62 -W42  --  +B51 -W24 -B58 -W55 +B63 
54 Griffiths,Alexander      0 3.0 =B16 -W45 -B46 +W62 =BYE -B27 -W38 -B34 +W58 
55 Negi,Ravindra            0 3.0 -W42 +B63 -W41 -B50 -W27 -B48 +W59 +B53 -W35 
56 Nichols,John             0 3.0 -W50 -B47 +W63 -B52 -W48 -B37 +B65 -W41 +B67 
57 Morris,Gill           1682 2.5 -B12 +W39 =B25 +W28 -BYE  --  -BYE  --   --  
58 Athalye,Rohit            0 2.5 -B26 =W46 -B49 +W59 -B60 -B36 +W53 -W43 -B54  
59 Magesh,Devahuti          0 2.5 -B28 -W33 =W62 -B58 +B65 -W49 -B55 +W63 -B37 
60 Cassettari,Peter       721 2.0  --   --  +B43  --  +W58  --   --   --   --  
61 Oshana,Fares          1308 2.0 +W65 -B23 -B22 +BYE -W29  --  -BYE  --   --  
62 Zolin,Stefan             0 1.5  --  -W53 =B59 -B54 =BYE =BYE  --   --   -- 
63 Tomlinson,Peter       1033 1.0 -B45 -W55 -B56 +W65 -B49 -W51 -B33 -B59 -W53 
64 Morgan,George         1683 0.0 -W2  -B25  --   --   --   --   --   --   -- 
65 Negi,Roma                0 0.0 -B61 -W52 -B51 -B63 -W59 -B38 -W56 -B50 -W48
66 Bala,Cesar               0 0.0  --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --   -- 
67 Vella,Arthur           747 0.0  --   --   --   --   --   --   --   --  -W56

Please ensure you email byes@rootyhillchessclub.org if you are unable to make it to your game.