2023 Rooty Hill September Allegro
Members, please log in to your portal or check your emails to register.
Open to both members and non-members.
Time Control:
10 minutes per player
Entry Fees:
Members: Free
Non Members: $10
Late Fee: Additional $5 for entry on the day for both members and non-members
5th of September 2023
Clocks Start Exactly 7:15 pm | Default Time 7:15 pm
Late Entries will miss Round 1
If you cannot make the first round, email byes@rootyhillchessclub.org
Arbiters: Winston Zhao Chen & Daniel Pigram
Enter Here: (Non-Members ONLY)
Terms and Conditions:
- This tournament is governed under Appendix B Article B.4 per the Arbiters Handbook October 2022.
- Decisions made by the arbiter on the night are final and no appeals are permitted for the purpose of time. (Article 11.10).
- September FIDE and ACF Ratings will be used.
- Entries close Monday September 4th. Entries on September 5th will incur a $5 late fee for both members and non-members.
- Pairings by Vega using FIDE Approved Baku Acceleration Method.
- Full refunds are issues if you contact the organisers 24 hours in advanced. Otherwise, no refunds will be issued.