2017 NSW Australian Day Weekender

Excellent results for both Kevin and Anshika against much higher rated opposition and also good results for both Rishi and Jeff.

Place Name                   Feder  ACF  Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.
  1   Illingworth, Max       NSW    2531 6.5   24.0    33.5  27.5
2-3  Chen, Pengyu           NSW    2354 6     23.0    32.5  26.0
      Bjelobrk, Igor         NSW    2491 6     22.0    32.0  25.5
4-5  Jones, Richard S       OS     2419 5.5   22.5    31.5  23.0
      Willathgamuwa, Kevin  NSW    1932 5.5   19.5    27.5  22.0
6-13  Dale, Ari              VIC    2379 5     24.5    34.0  23.0
      Charles, Gareth        NSW    2145 5     22.0    30.5  23.0
      Stephens, Malcolm      NSW    2325 5     20.5    29.0  22.0
      Chau, Bernard          NSW    2113 5     20.5    28.0  19.5
      Broekhuyse, Paul       NSW    2058 5     20.0    29.0  20.0
      Saleh, Akef            WA     1921 5     19.5    28.5  20.0
      Dutta, Rishi          NSW    2086 5     19.0    26.5  21.0
      Cabilin, Jeff         NSW    1872 5     18.0    25.5  19.0
23-35 Willathgamuwa, Rowan   NSW    1829 4     23.0    32.5  20.0
      Luchtmeijer, Ton       NSW    2065 4     19.5    28.5  19.0
      Jain, Anshika         NSW    1243 4     16.5    23.0  14.0
36-45 Montenegro, Jesson     NSW    1873 3.5   19.0    28.0  16.5
46-60 Dibley, Shane E        NSW    1599 3     18.5    26.0  12.0
      Jain, Kamal            NSW    1598 3     16.0    23.5  11.0
      Ibrahim, Victor        NSW    1618 3     15.5    22.5  10.0
61-67 Wu, Yifu               NSW    1298 2.5   12.5    16.5   7.5
75-78 Willathgamuwa, Kieran  NSW    366  1     12.0    16.0   4.0

Please ensure you email byes@rootyhillchessclub.org if you are unable to make it to your game.