2017 QBW Blitz Tournament (10min) 9 Rds

Final Standings and Cross Table – Monday 12 June


Place Name                   ACF   Score
  1   Blair Mandla           2467  8    
 2-3  Nazarito Cabale        1778  6.5  
      Leonardo Tenorio       1785  6.5  
 4-5  Rodolfo Cristobal      1942  6    
      Samir Bajrami          2196  6    
 6-8  Krste Blazeski         1942  5.5  
      Mirsad Zekic           1665  5.5  
      Sayum Rupasinghe       1317  5.5  
9-12  Peter Cassettari       1975  5    
      Muhamed Buza           1845  5    
      Gojko Trzin            1674  5    
      Baby Joseph            1676  5    
13-17 Eddie Quesada          1607  4    
      Edward P Ombina        1589  4    
      Adam Saiti             1113  4    
      Jagath Kulathunga            4    
      Yama Mahmoodi          1788  4    
18-21 Allan Goldsmith        1124  3    
      Victor Flindall        513   3    
      Kieran Willathgamuwa   489   3    
      Stevan Jovanovic       1493  3    
22-25 Onadhi Diunuge               1    
      Inuka Diunuge                1    
      Deves Manoji                 1    
      Jamie Richmond               1    
 26   Rod Callaghan                0  

Cross Table

No Name                  ACF  Total  1     2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9  
1  Mandla, Blair         2467 8     21:W  3:W  6:W  9:D  5:W  4:W  2:W 11:W  7:D
2  Cabale, Nazarito      1778 6.5    0:D 14:W 21:W  4:L  3:W 10:W  1:L  9:W  6:W
3  Tenorio, Leonardo     1785 6.5   23:W  1:L 16:W 13:W  2:L 14:W  9:W  6:W  4:D
4  Cristobal, Rodolfo    1942 6     19:W 11:W  5:W  2:W  9:D  1:L  6:L  7:W  3:D
5  Bajrami, Samir        2196 6      8:W 17:W  4:L 12:W  1:L  7:L 10:W 13:W 11:W
6  Blazeski, Krste       1942 5.5   15:W 12:W  1:L  7:W 10:W  9:D  4:W  3:L  2:L
7  Zekic, Mirsad         1665 5.5    0:  20:W 17:W  6:L 15:W  5:W 14:W  4:L  1:D
8  Rupasinghe, Sayum     1317 5.5    5:L 22:W 10:L 24:W 12:W 11:L 17:W 15:W  9:D
9  Cassettari, Peter     1975 5     18:W  0:W 13:W  1:D  4:D  6:D  3:L  2:L  8:D
10 Buza, Muhamed         1845 5     20:W 13:L  8:W 15:W  6:L  2:L  5:L 16:W 14:W
11 Trzin, Gojko          1674 5     16:W  4:L 15:L 20:W 18:W  8:W 13:W  1:L  5:L
12 Joseph, Baby          1676 5     22:W  6:L 14:W  5:L  8:L 15:W 16:L 17:W 13:W
13 Quesada, Eddie        1607 4     24:W 10:W  9:L  3:L 16:W 19:W 11:L  5:L 12:L
14 Ombina, Edward P      1589 4     25:W  2:L 12:L 23:W 17:W  3:L  7:L 19:W 10:L
15 Saiti, Adam           1113 4      6:L 24:W 11:W 10:L  7:L 12:L 18:W  8:L 19:W
16 Kulathunga, Jagath         4     11:L 18:W  3:L 21:W 13:L 17:L 12:W 10:L  0:W
17 Mahmoodi, Yama        1788 4      0:W  5:L  7:L 19:W 14:L 16:W  8:L 12:L 18:W
18 Goldsmith, Allan      1124 3      9:L 16:L 19:W 22:W 11:L 21:L 15:L  0:W 17:L
19 Flindall, Victor      513  3      4:L 25:W 18:L 17:L 23:W 13:L 22:W 14:L 15:L
20 Willathgamuwa, Kieran 489  3     10:L  7:L 22:W 11:L 24:W 23:W  0:   0:   0: 
21 Jovanovic, Stevan     1493 3      1:L 23:W  2:L 16:L 22:W 18:W  0:   0:   0: 
22 Diunuge, Onadhi            1     12:L  8:L 20:L 18:L 21:L  0:W 19:L  0:   0: 
23 Diunuge, Inuka             1      3:L 21:L 24:L 14:L 19:L 20:L  0:W  0:   0: 
24 Manoji, Deves              1     13:L 15:L 23:W  8:L 20:L  0:   0:   0:   0: 
25 Richmond, Jamie            1     14:L 19:L  0:W  0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0: 

Please ensure you email byes@rootyhillchessclub.org if you are unable to make it to your game.