2017 Winter Swiss

Final Standings and Cross Table – Monday 5 June


Place Name                     ACF  Score
1-2  Angelito Camer           2084 6.5  
      Jesson Montenegro        1848 6.5  
  3   Cameron McGowan          1733 5    
4-8  Gavin Marner             1964 4.5  
      Mirsad Zekic             1629 4.5  
      Peter Cassettari         1825 4.5  
      Leonardo Tenorio         1785 4.5  
      Baby Joseph              1553 4.5  
9-14  Daniel Pigram            1860 4    
      John Yao                 1721 4    
      Glynn Curran             1716 4    
      Stevan Jovanovic         1423 4    
      Winston Zhao Chen        1201 4    
      Edward P Ombina          1586 4    
15-16 Muhamed Buza             1557 3.5  
      Chris Cheah              979  3.5  
17-23 Alfredo Velis            1232 3    
      Adam Saiti               1428 3    
      Ken Macgillivray         1407 3    
      Eddie Quesada            1418 3    
      Alwin Joseph             1210 3    
      Allan Goldsmith          1076 3    
      Conor Sutton                  3    
24-28 Shane E Dibley           1676 2.5  
      Justin Murphy            1450 2.5  
      Jonathan Adams           1524 2.5  
      Bill Herreros            1463 2.5  
      Victor Flindall          778  2.5  
29-32 Kieran Willathgamuwa     396  2    
      Deves Manoji                  2    
      Albert Joseph                 2    
      Annrose Joseph                2    
33   Ivan Tse                      1.5  
34-35 John Sutton                   1    
      David Thompson                1    
36   Vincent Lee              454  0.5  
37-39 Orion Thompson                0    
      Manoji Manoharan              0

Cross Table

No Name                   ACF   Total  1     2    3    4    5   6     7 
1  Angelito Camer         2084  6.5   13:W  6:W  8:W  9:W  2:D 10:W  3:W
2  Jesson Montenegro      1848  6.5   24:W 11:W 18:W 26:W  1:D  9:W 10:W
3  Cameron McGowan        1733  5     14:W  9:L 23:W  8:W 18:W  6:W  1:L
4  Gavin Marner           1964  4.5    0:D 10:D 20:W 11:W  9:L  7:W  8:D
5  Mirsad Zekic           1629  4.5    6:L 13:W 29:W  7:D 10:L 18:+ 14:W
6  Peter Cassettari       1825  4.5    5:W  1:L 27:W 24:D 19:W  3:L  9:W
7  Leonardo Tenorio       1785  4.5    0:D  0:D 17:W  5:D 24:W  4:L 15:W
8  Baby Joseph            1553  4.5   20:W 29:W  1:L  3:L 30:W 17:W  4:D
9  Daniel Pigram          1860  4     12:W  3:W 25:W  1:L  4:W  2:L  6:L
10 John Yao               1721  4     15:D  4:D 21:W 25:W  5:W  1:L  2:L
11 Glynn Curran           1716  4     38:W  2:L 22:W  4:L 17:L 30:W 19:W
12 Stevan Jovanovic       1423  4      9:L  0:  32:W 13:W 25:D 19:D 17:W
13 Winston Zhao Chen      1201  4      1:L  5:L 31:W 12:L 23:W 22:W 24:W
14 Edward P Ombina        1586  4      3:L 17:L 28:W 22:W 21:W 20:W  5:L
15 Muhamed Buza           1557  3.5   10:D 19:L 33:W 18:L 16:W 21:W  7:L
16 Chris Cheah            979   3.5   25:L 21:L  0:W 20:D 15:L 29:W 27:W
17 Alfredo Velis          1232  3     23:L 14:W  7:L 29:W 11:W  8:L 12:L
18 Adam Saiti             1428  3     39:+ 22:W  2:L 15:W  3:L  5:- 20:-
19 Ken Macgillivray       1407  3     28:D 15:W 26:- 27:W  6:L 12:D 11:L
20 Eddie Quesada          1418  3      8:L 31:W  4:L 16:D 27:D 14:L 18:+
21 Alwin Joseph           1210  3      0:  16:W 10:L 23:W 14:L 15:L 30:W
22 Allan Goldsmith        1076  3     27:W 18:L 11:L 14:L 35:W 13:L 31:W
23 Conor Sutton                 3     17:W 25:L  3:L 21:L 13:L 32:W 29:W
24 Shane E Dibley         1676  2.5    2:L 33:W 30:W  6:D  7:L 19:  13:L
25 Justin Murphy          1450  2.5   16:W 23:W  9:L 10:L 12:D 15:   0:L
26 Jonathan Adams         1524  2.5    0:D 28:W 19:+  2:L  0:L  0:L  0:L
27 Bill Herreros          1463  2.5   22:L 38:+  6:L 19:L 20:D 28:W 16:L
28 Victor Flindall        778   2.5   19:D 26:L 14:L 30:L 37:W 27:L 33:W
29 Kieran Willathgamuwa   396   2     30:W  8:L  5:L 17:L 31:W 16:L 23:L
30 Deves Manoji                 2     29:L 32:W 24:L 28:W  8:L 11:L 21:L
31 Albert Joseph                2      0:  20:L 13:L 32:W 29:L 35:W 22:L
32 Annrose Joseph               2      0:  30:L 12:L 31:L 33:W 23:L 37:W
33 Ivan Tse                     1.5   36:D 24:L 15:L 34:L 32:L 37:W 28:L
34 John Sutton                  1      0:   0:   0:  33:   0:  15:  35:L
35 David Thompson               1      0:   0:   0:   0:  22:L 31:L 34:W
36 Vincent Lee             454  0.5   33:D  0:   0:   0:   0:   0:   0: 
37 Orion Thompson                      0:   0:   0:   0:  28:L 33:L 32:L
38 Manoji Manoharan              0    11:L 27:-  0:   0:   0:   0:   0: 

Please ensure you email byes@rootyhillchessclub.org if you are unable to make it to your game.