2017 Rooty Hill FIDE Open

Final Standing – Monday 14 August

Place Name                     FIDE ACF   Score  M-Buch.
1   Blair Mandla             2129 2221    8     38.5
2   Kevin Willathgamuwa      1966 1997    7     40.0
3-7  Rowan Willathgamuwa      1828 1942    6     38.0
Angelito Camer           2015 2097    6     37.0
Ricardo Atanacio                      6     37.0
Gavin Marner             1906 1970    6     35.0
Leonardo Tenorio         1884 1785    6     33.0
8-15  Brian A Jones            1996 2023   5.5    40.0
Peter Cassettari         1787 1851   5.5    35.5
Anup Kumar Siva Sankaran 1862 1820   5.5    35.0
Jesson Montenegro        1840 1889   5.5    35.0
Rodolfo Cristobal        2023 2083   5.5    34.0
Shane E Dibley           1706 1720   5.5    31.0
Cameron McGowan          1776 1804   5.5    30.0
Sayum Rupasinghe              1108   5.5    29.0
16-20 Yama Mahmoodi            1794 1788    5     40.5
Ryan Lane                1668 1541    5     38.0
Jeff Cabilin             1951 2015    5     35.0
Muhamed Buza             1586 1598    5     33.5
Soliman Soliman               1333    5     29.0
21-26 Nancy L Lane             1845 1748   4.5    36.5
Anshika Jain             1640 1428   4.5    33.0
Yifu Wu                  1590 1324   4.5    31.0
Winston Zhao Chen        1357 1342   4.5    31.0
Kamal Jain               1675 1546   4.5    30.5
Alfredo Velis                 1234   4.5    24.0
27-33 Bill Herreros            1508 1499    4     33.5
John Yao                 1810 1759    4     32.5
Alwin Joseph             1506 1201    4     31.5
Chris Cheah                   1081    4     29.5
Stevan Jovanovic         1710 1456    4     27.5
Albert Joseph                 763     4     24.0
Kieran Willathgamuwa          396     4     20.5
34-39 Allan Goldsmith          1462 1140   3.5    30.5
Daniel Pigram            1834 1860   3.5    28.5
Steven Stipic            1652 1630   3.5    28.5
Victor Flindall               835    3.5    27.5
Aiden Wen                     633    3.5    26.5
Annrose Joseph                727    3.5    22.5
40-46 Conor Sutton                          3     31.5
Dhwani Patel                          3     28.5
Elmaz Iljazi                  1766    3     28.0
Baby Joseph              1646 1567    3     26.5
Ken Macgillivray              1387    3     25.5
Rod Callaghan                         3     25.0
Jayath Kulathunga                     3     25.0
47-48 Jamie Richmond                       2.5    26.0
Vihaan Anup Kumar                    2.5    20.5
49-51 John E Sutton                         2     29.0
Shanay Panicker                       2     24.5
Ivan Tse                              2     22.0
52-53 Peter Tomlinson                       1     26.0
Michael Phamvu                        1     19.0
54-55 Deves Manoji                          0     22.5
Adam Saiti                    1481    0      5.5


Please ensure you email byes@rootyhillchessclub.org if you are unable to make it to your game.