2019 Allegro Swiss – Oct 21

Final Standings and Cross Table – Monday 21 October

Place Name                     ACF  Score
  1   Johnny Miranda Teves     2192 5.5  
  2   Angelito Camer           2297 5    
 3-4  Alaina Vincent           1776 4.5  
      Daniel (Zhiyi) Wang      1377 4.5  
 5-8  Erwin Plaza              2179 4    
      Rodolfo Cristobal        1991 4    
      Hans P Muller            1746 4    
      Jonathan Yap              979 4    
9-13  Winston Zhao Chen        1544 3.5  
      Sayum Rupasinghe         1717 3.5  
      Phillip Eltakchi         1511 3.5  
      Parthiv Prithvi               3.5  
      Yifu Wu                       3.5  
14-21 Muhamed Buza             1945 3    
      Vihaan Anup Kumar        1410 3    
      Soliman Soliman          1460 3    
      John Yao                 1564 3    
      Daniel Jingxi Chen            3    
      Albert Parengkuan             3    
      Jose Cyriac              1249 3    
      Levi Descallar           1738 3    
22-23 Bill Herreros            1351 2.5  
      Chanya Rupasinghe        1319 2.5  
24-27 Edward P Ombina          1577 2    
      Caleb Wang                771 2    
      Junjie He                 163 2    
      Allan Goldsmith          1149 2    
 28   Alvin Vincent             389 1.5  
29-31 Kenny Di                      1    
      Terry Gao                     1    
      Chris Pemberton               1
32-33 Chloe Di                      0.5  
      Ryan Byrnes                   0.5  
 34   Peter Tomlinson           377 0        
No Name                  ACF  Total  1    2    3    4    5    6  
 1 Teves, Johnny Miranda 2192 5.5   22:W 10:W  7:W  2:D  5:W  6:W
 2 Camer, Angelito       2297 5      4:W 17:W 14:W  1:D  6:D  7:W
 3 Vincent, Alaina       1776 4.5   25:W  9:W  5:L 16:W  4:D 10:W
 4 Wang, Daniel (Zhiyi)  1377 4.5    2:L 34:W 24:W  9:W  3:D 14:W
 5 Plaza, Erwin          2179 4     23:W 11:W  3:W  6:L  1:L 15:W
 6 Cristobal, Rodolfo    1991 4     20:D 24:W 21:W  5:W  2:D  1:L
 7 Muller, Hans P        1746 4     28:W 18:W  1:L 15:W 14:W  2:L
 8 Yap, Jonathan         979  4     14:L 19:L 29:W 24:W 16:W 17:W
 9 Zhao Chen, Winston    1544 3.5   32:W  3:L 27:W  4:L 12:W 13:D
10 Rupasinghe, Sayum     1717 3.5   26:W  1:L 23:D 11:W 22:W  3:L
11 Eltakchi, Phillip     1511 3.5   19:W  5:L 12:D 10:L 25:W 22:W
12 Prithvi, Parthiv           3.5   15:L 28:W 11:D 23:W  9:L 18:W
13 Wu, Yifu                   3.5    0:D 20:W 16:W 14:L 17:D  9:D
14 Buza, Muhamed         1945 3      8:W 15:W  2:L 13:W  7:L  4:L
15 Anup Kumar, Vihaan    1410 3     12:W 14:L 19:W  7:L 21:W  5:L
16 Soliman, Soliman      1460 3     31:W 21:W 13:L  3:L  8:L 26:W
17 Yao, John             1564 3     29:W  2:L 25:W 22:D 13:D  8:L
18 Chen, Daniel Jingxi        3     30:W  7:L 22:L 20:W 19:W 12:L
19 Parengkuan, Albert         3     11:L  8:W 15:L 28:W 18:L 27:W
20 Cyriac, Jose          1249 3      6:D 13:L 30:D 18:L 28:W 24:W
21 Descallar, Levi       1738 3     34:W 16:L  6:L 26:W 15:L 25:W
22 Herreros, Bill        1351 2.5    1:L 26:W 18:W 17:D 10:L 11:L
23 Rupasinghe, Chanya    1319 2.5    5:L 29:W 10:D 12:L 24:L 32:W
24 Ombina, Edward P      1577 2     27:   6:L  4:L  8:L 23:W 20:L
25 Wang, Caleb           771  2      3:L 31:W 17:L 27:W 11:L 21:L
26 He, Junjie            163  2     10:L 22:L 34:W 21:L 32:W 16:L
27 Goldsmith, Allan      1149 2     24:L 32:W  9:L 25:L 29:W 19:L
28 Vincent, Alvin        389  1.5    7:L 12:L 32:D 19:L 20:L 29:W
29 Di, Kenny                  1     17:L 23:L  8:L 32:W 27:L 28:L
30 Gao, Terry                 1     18:L 33:D 20:D  0:   0:   0: 
31 Pemberton, Chris           1     16:L 25:L  0:W  0:   0:   0: 
32 Di, Chloe                  .5     9:L 27:L 28:D 29:L 26:L 23:L
33 Byrnes, Ryan               .5     0:  30:   0:   0:   0:   0: 
34 Tomlinson, Peter      377  0     21:L  4:L 26:L  0:   0:   0: 

Please ensure you email byes@rootyhillchessclub.org if you are unable to make it to your game.