2020 Rooty Hill Open Championships

2020 Rooty Hill Open Championships – Monday 14 December

Final Standings

No Name                     FIDE Pts  Prize Money
1 McGowan,Cameron          2126 7.5  1st   $300
2 Plunkett,Jeremy          1842 7.0  2nd   $150   
3 Bukreyev,Andriy          2044 6.5  3rd   $100
4 Kellett,Simon            1691 6.5  U1900 $100 (ACF 1636) 
5 Teves,Johnny Miranda     1849 6.0   
6 CM Cabilin,Jeff          1822 6.0 
7 Muller,Hans P            1734 6.0 
8 Siva Sankaran,Anup Kumar 1807 5.5 
9 Corona,Fabrizio          1591 5.5  U1600 $100 (ACF 1428)
10 Vincent,Alaina           1881 5.0    
11 Pigram,Daniel            1862 5.0 
12 Marner,Gavin             1853 5.0  
13 Rahman,Tarek             1634 5.0
14 Zhao Chen,Winston        1625 5.0   
15 Rupasinghe,Sayum         1551 5.0     
16 Matanagh,Kamran          1430 5.0  U1300 $100 (ACF 1171)  
17 Cassettari,Peter         1729 4.5    
18 Jain,Kamal               1651 4.5   
19 Yao,John                 1604 4.5  
20 Fatohi,Emad Ghanim       1576 4.5   
21 Tarek,Emad               1571 4.5   
22 Wang,Daniel (Zhiyi)      1459 4.5    
23 He,Angela                 665 4.5     
24 Damaschino Lou           1513 4.5     
25 Joseph,Baby              1472 4.0    
26 Anup Kumar,Vihaan        1416 4.0    
27 Joseph,Albert            1401 4.0    
28 Hu,Edward                1353 4.0    
29 Jurac,Anthony            1294 4.0   
30 Al-Neemy,Laith              0 4.0   
31 Kumar,Viney              1681 3.5   
32 Corona,Jonluke           1421 3.5  
33 Cyriac,Jose              1385 3.5   
34 Yap,Jonathan             1376 3.5  
35 Temara,Simon                0 3.5  
36 Soliman,Soliman          1524 3.0     
37 Rupasinghe,Chanya        1380 3.0     
38 Oshana,Fares             1289 3.0     
39 Prithvi,Parthiv           883 3.0     
40 Hatti,Stephen               0 3.0      
41 Parengkuan,Albert           0 3.0      
42 Rao, Abhi                   0 3.0      
43 He,Andrew                 167 2.5     
44 Wang,Caleb                521 2.0     
45 Athalye,Rohit               0 2.0     
46 Pisani,David                0 2.0     
47 Nichols,John                0 1.5     
48 Ngyuyen,Ricci               0 1.5     
49 Tomlinson,Peter          1036 1.0     
50 Bhuta,Sid                   0 1.0    
51 Negi,Ravindra               0 1.0    
52 Quesada,Eddie            1473 1.0    
53 Adams,Jonathan           1618 0.0   
No NAME          FIDE Pts  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   
1 McGowan       2126 7.5 =BYE =BYE +B15 +W13 +W31 +B28 +W2  =B3  +B5     
2 Plunkett      1842 7.0 =B20 +W15 +B10 +W8  +B6  +W5  -B1  +W12 =B4   
3 Bukreyev      2044 6.5 +B18 +W5  -W6  =BYE +B14 +W10 =B4  =W1  +B13   
4 Kellett       1691 6.5 +W36 =B12 -W8  +B27 +W7  +B31  =W3 +B9  =W2   
5 Teves         1849 6.0 +W9  -B3  +W33 +BYE +BYE -B2  +W29 +B6  -W1    
6 Cabilin       1822 6.0 +W21 +W10 +B3  =B31 -W2  =B29 +W11 -W5  +B12    
7 Muller        1734 6.0 -B15 +W20 +B28 -W11 -B4  +W33 +B38 +W19 +B18    
8 Siva Sankaran 1807 5.5 =BYE +W17 +B4  -B2  -W28 -B9  +W37 +B29 +W22      
9 Corona        1591 5.5 -B5  -W28 =B37 +W38 +B33 +W8  +B53 -W4  +B20   
10 Vincent       1881 5.0 +W14 -B6  -W2  +B32 +W15 -B3  -W18 +B39 +W26  
11 Pigram        1862 5.0 +W27 -B31 +W16 +B7  -BYE +W23 -B6   --  +W28 
12 Marner        1853 5.0 +B19 =W4  -W31 =B16 +W22 +B25 +W28 -B2  -W6  
13 Rahman        1634 5.0 -W31 +B34 +W29 -B1  +W16 +B27  --  +B28 -W3    
14 Zhao Chen     1625 5.0 -B10 +W37 =BYE +B33 -W3  +B22 -W15 =B16 +W29 
15 Rupasinghe,S  1551 5.0 +W7  -B2  -W1  +B47 -B10 +W30 +B14 +W53  --   
16 Matanagh      1430 5.0 +B49 +W23 -B11 =W12 -B13 -W18 +B41 =W14 +B27 
17 Cassettari    1729 4.5 =BYE -B8  +B41 +B43 +W42  --  +W50  --   --  
18 Jain          1651 4.5 -W3  -B33 +W21 +B26 -W29 +B16 +B10 =W20 -W7  
19 Yao           1604 4.5 -W12 -B29 +W45 -W28 +B37 +B34 +W26 -B7  =B23 
20 Fatohi        1576 4.5 =W2  -B7  +W34 =B29 =W25 =B26 +W39 =B18 -W9   
21 Tarek         1571 4.5 -B6  =W38 -B18 +W30 -B23 -W41 +B36 +W43 +B33 
22 Wang,D        1459 4.5 =BYE +W26 +B38 -BYE -B12 -W14 +B23 +W25 -B8 
23 He,A           665 4.5 +B32 -B16 -W27 +BYE +W21 -B11 -W22 +B34 =W19 
24 Damaschino    1513 4.5  --   --   --   --  +B51 +W40 =B33 +W41 +B36
25 Joseph,B      1472 4.0 =BYE -W32 +B30 +W37 =B20 -W12  --  -B22 +W39
26 Anup Kumar,V  1416 4.0 BYE  -B22 +W43 -W18 +B41 =W20 -B19 +W38  B10
27 Joseph,A      1401 4.0 -B11 +W40 +B23 -W4  +B39 -W13  --  +B30 -W16 
28 Hu,A          1353 4.0 +W45 +B9  -W7  +B19 +B8  -W1  -B12 -W13 -B11 
29 Jurac         1294 4.0 +B40 +W19 -B13 =W20 +B18 =W6  -B5  -W8  -B14 
30 Al-Neemy         0 4.0 -W34 +B36 -W25 -B21 +W47 -B15 +B32 -W27 +B38 
31 Kumar,V       1681 3.5 +B13 +W11 +B12 =W6  -B1  -W4   --   --   --   
32 Corona,J      1421 3.5 -W23 +B25 =W47 -W10 =B38 -B39 -W30 +B44 =W34 
33 Cyriac        1385 3.5 +B41 +W18 -B5  -W14 -W9  -B7  =W24 +B37 -W21 
34 Yap           1376 3.5 +B30 -W13 -B20  --  +W40 -W19 +B35 -W23 =B32 
35 Temara           0 3.5  --   --   --   --  +W49 +B44 -W34 =B48 +B43 
36 Soliman       1524 3.0 -B4  -W30 +B44 -W39 +B43 -W38 -W21 +B47 -W24
37 Rupasinghe,C  1380 3.0 +W43 -B14 =W9  -B25 -W19 +B47 -B8  -W33 =B41 
38 Oshana        1289 3.0 +W47 =B21 -W22 -B9  =W32 +B36 -W7  -B26 -W30 
39 Prithvi        883 3.0  --   --  +B50 +B36 -W27 +W32 -B20 -W10 -B25  
40 Hatti            0 3.0 -W29 -B27  --  +W50 -B34 -B24  --  +B45 +W44  
41 Parengkuan       0 3.0 -W33 =B43 -W17 +B45 -W26 +B21 -W16 -B24 =W37 
42 Rao              0 3.0  --   --   --  +B49 -B17  --  -W44 +W50 +B45 
43 He,Andrew      167 2.5 -B37 =W41 -B26 -W17 -W36 +B49 +W47 -B21 -W35 
44 Wang,C         521 2.0  --  -B47 -W36  --  +B50 -W35 +B42 -W32 -B40 
45 Athalye          0 2.0 -B28 +W49 -B19 -W41  --  +B46  --  -W40 -W42  
46 Pisani           0 2.0  --   --   --   --   --  -W45  --  +B52  B49  
47 Nichols          0 1.5 -B38 +W44 =B32 -W15 -B30 -W37 -B43 -W36 -W51  
48 Ngyuyen          0 1.5  --   --   --   --   --   --   +W51 =W35  --  
49 Tomlinson     1036 1.0 -W16 -B45  --  -W42 -B35 -W43  --  +B51 -W46  
50 Bhuta            0 1.0  --   --  -W39 -B40 -W44 +B51 -B17 -B42 -W52 
51 Negi             0 1.0  --   --   --   --  -W24 -W50 -B48 -W49 +B47 
52 Quesada       1473 1.0  --   --   --   --   --   --   --  -W46 +B50 
53 Adams         1618 0.0  --   --   --   --   --   --  -W9  -B15  --  

Please ensure you email byes@rootyhillchessclub.org if you are unable to make it to your game.