2020 Rooty Hill Open – Round 9

Rooty Hill FIDE Open Round 9 – Monday 14 December

No Name               FIDE Pts Res Name              FIDE Pts
1 Teves,Johnny       1849  6  0-1 McGowan,Cameron   2126 6.5
2 Kellett,Simon      1691  6  ½-½ Plunkett,Jeremy   1842 6.5 
3 Rahman,Tarek       1634  5  0-1 Bukreyev,Andriy   2044 5.5
4 Marner,Gavin       1853  5  0-1 CM Cabilin,Jeff   1822  5
5 Jain,Kamal         1651 4.5 0-1 Muller,Hans P     1734  5
6 Siva Sankaran,Anup 1807 4.5 1-0 Wang,Daniel       1459 4.5
7 Fatohi,Emad        1576 4.5 0-1 Corona,Fabrizio   1591 4.5
8 Vincent,Alaina     1881  4  1-0 Anup Kumar,Vihaan 1416
9 Pigram,Daniel      1862  4  1-0 Hu,Edward         1353  4 
10 Zhao Chen,Winston  1625  4  1-0 Jurac,Anthony     1294  4 
11 He,Angela           665  4  ½-½ Yao,John          1604  4 
12 Joseph,Albert      1401  4  0-1 Matanagh,Kamran   1430  4 
13 Cyriac,Jose        1385 3.5 0-1 Tarek,Emad        1571 3.5 
14 Soliman,Soliman    1524  3  0-1 Damaschino Lou    1513 3.5
15 Joseph,Baby        1472  3  1-0 Prithvi,Parthiv    883  3  
16 Corona,Jonluke     1421  3  ½-½ Yap,Jonathan      1376  3 
17 Oshana,Fares       1289  3  0-1 Al-Neemy,Laith       0  3 
18 Parengkuan,Albert     0 2.5 ½-½ Rupasinghe,Chanya 1380 2.5  
19 He,Andrew           167 2.5 0-1 Temara,Simon         0 2.5 
20 Hatti,Stephen         0  2  1-0 Wang,Caleb         521  2 
21 Athalye,Rohit         0  2  0-1 Rao, Abhi            0  2 
22 Nichols,John          0 1.5 0-1 Negi,Ravindra        0  0 
23 Tomlinson,Peter    1036  1  0-1 Pisani,David         0  1 
24 Bhuta,Sid             0  0  0-1 Quesada,Eddie     1473  0 
25 Rupasinghe,Sayum   1551  5      ( not paired ) 
26 Cassettari,Peter   1729 4.5     ( not paired )
27 Kumar,Viney        1681 3.5     ( not paired )
28 Ngyuyen,Ricci         0 1.5     ( not paired )  
29 Adams,Jonathan     1618  0      ( not paired )   

Please ensure you email byes@rootyhillchessclub.org if you are unable to make it to your game.