2021 Autumn Swiss

2021 Autumn Swiss – Monday 8 June

Final Standings

No Name                 FIDE Pts  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9
1 McGowan,Cameron 2098 7.0 +B62 +W6 =BYE +W12 +B5 =BYE +B7 =W2 =B3

2 Luchtmeijer,Ton 2047 6.5 +W35 -B9 +B13 +W11 -BYE +B27 +W22 =B1 +W12
3 Plunkett,Jeremy 1929 6.5 +B44 +W18 -B12 +W20 -B4 +W31 +B5 +BYE =W1
4 Vincent,Alaina 1884 6.5 +B20 =BYE +W21 =B17 +W3 =B8 =W12 =B6 +W11
5 Phan,James 1878 6.5 +BYE +B14 =BYE +W9 -W1 +B33 -W3 +B13 +B7
6 Peramunetilleke,Set. 1877 6.5 +B28 -B1 +W29 +W44 -B7 +W39 +B9 =W4 +B16
7 Mangrobang,Noel 1996 6.0 -W14 +B30 +W15 +B18 +W6 +B16 -W1 +B12 -W5
8 Pigram,Daniel 1885 6.0 +W15 -B12 +W36 +B38 +BYE =W4 =BYE -BYE +B22
9 Teves,Johnny 1845 6.0 +B10 +W2 =W17 -B5 +W34 =B22 -W6 +B23 +B18
10 Wang,Daniel (Zhiyi) 1488 6.0 -W9 =BYE +B52 +B64 -W23 =BYE +W29 +B34 +W19
11 Cabilin,Jeff 1852 5.5 +W29 -B17 +W45 -B2 +W38 =B13 +W23 +W30 -B4
12 Siva Sankaran,Anup 1764 5.5 +B38 +W8 +W3 -B1 +W17 +B23 =B4 -W7 -B2
13 Muller,Hans P. 1718 5.5 =B21 +B37 -W2 +W39 =B53 =W11 +B32 -W5 +B30
14 Rupasinghe,Sayum 1630 5.5 +B7 -W5 -BYE =BYE +B41 -- +W64 +B33 +W29
15 Kukrka,Sasa 1567 5.5 -B8 +W48 -B7 -BYE +W50 =B64 +W45 +B43 +W31
16 Al-Neemy,Laith 1397 5.5 +B51 -W62 +B42 +B35 +BYE -W7 =W17 +B27 -W60
17 Camer,Angelito 2013 5.0 +B26 +W11 =B9 =W4 -B12 +W53 =B16 =W18 --
18 Marner,Gavin 1824 5.0 +W45 -B3 +W37 -W7 +B21 =B29 +W33 =B17 -W9
19 Cassettari,Peter 1721 5.0 =W30 =B54 =B62 =BYE +B61 +W52 -- +B64 -B10
20 Duckworth,Terry 1551 5.0 -W4 +B55 +W46 -B3 -B22 +W67 -B31 +W42 +W41
21 Hu,Edward 1442 5.0 =W13 +B27 -B4 =BYE -W18 -W26 +B56 +W60 +B35
22 Zhang,Richard 1248 5.0 +B68 +W26 -- =B27 +W20 =W9 -B2 +B38 -W8
23 Laurente,Allan 0 5.0 +B46 -W38 +B67 +W30 +B10 -W12 -B11 -W9 +B37
24 Magallanes,Armando 0 5.0 -- -- -- -- +W46 +B73 +B47 +W39 +W38
25 Descallar,Levi 1902 4.5 -- -- -- =W40 +B57 +W47 +B46 =W32 =B34
26 Jain,Kamal 1632 4.5 -W17 -B22 +W47 +B37 -W29 +B21 -W38 =B40 +W46
27 Yao,John 1562 4.5 =B41 -W21 +B33 =W22 +B28 -W2 +B54 -W16 =B32
28 Herreros,Bill 1498 4.5 -W6 -B64 +W48 +B50 -W27 +B43 +BYE =W31 --
29 Liao,Jingni 1497 4.5 -B11 +W42 -B6 +W32 +B26 =W18 -B10 +W48 -B14
30 Anup Kumar,Vihaan 1443 4.5 =B19 -W7 +W50 -B23 +W55 +B34 +W35 -B11 -W13
31 Prithvi,Parthiv 1433 4.5 -B50 +W51 +B49 -W53 +W42 -B3 +W20 =B28 -B15
32 He,Angela 1425 4.5 -B42 +W68 +B57 -B29 =BYE +W41 -W13 =B25 =W27
33 Joseph,Albert 1353 4.5 +W74 =B35 -W27 +BYE +B44 -W5 -B18 -W14 +B48
34 Assa,Walid 1303 4.5 -B57 +W65 +B58 +W62 -B9 -W30 +B44 -W10 =W25
35 Tiqui,Norrie 1704 4.0 -B2 =W33 +B41 -W16 +B48 =W54 -B30 +W50 -W21
36 Damaschino,Lou 1541 4.0 -BYE +W49 -B8 -W41 +B51 =W48 -B42 +W52 =B44
37 Assa,Khaled 1460 4.0 +B65 -W13 -B18 -W26 -W45 +B69 +B52 +W51 -W23
38 Joseph,Baby 1449 4.0 -W12 +B23 +BYE -W8 -B11 +W58 +B26 -W22 -B24
39 Cyriac,Jose 1409 4.0 +W73 -B66 +W55 -B13 +W64 -B6 -- -B24 +W59
40 Gao,Terry 1351 4.0 =B52 -W41 -W54 =B25 =B65 =W51 +B58 =W26 =B42
41 Yap,Jonathan 1344 4.0 =W27 +B40 -W35 +B36 -W14 -B32 =BYE +W44 -B20
42 Cesar,Bala 0 4.0 +W32 -B29 -W16 +W67 -B31 =B45 +W36 -B20 =W40
43 Thuaux,Alan 0 4.0 -- -- -- +W58 +B68 -W28 +B67 -W15 +B55
44 Adams,Jonathan 1584 3.5 -W3 +B47 +W64 -B6 -W33 +B55 -W34 -B41 =W36
45 Peramunetilleke,Sav. 1461 3.5 -B18 +W57 -B11 -W66 +B37 =W42 -B15 +W49 --
46 Kingsley,Ross 1230 3.5 -W23 +B69 -B20 +W57 -B24 =BYE -W25 +W67 -B26
47 He,Andrew 1172 3.5 +B58 -W44 -B26 =W51 -W60 -B25 -W24 +B65 +W63
48 Ravichandran,Magesh 1137 3.5 +W69 -B15 -B28 +W68 -W35 =B36 +W63 -B29 -W33
49 Pan,Renee Yang 728 3.5 +W70 -B36 -W31 =B60 -W52 -B62 +W57 -B45 +W61
50 Wang,Caleb 659 3.5 +W31 =BYE -B30 -W28 -B15 =BYE +W61 -B35 =W51
51 Evans,Matthew 0 3.5 -W16 -B31 +W69 =B47 -W36 =B40 +W55 -B37 =B50
52 Hickman,Joe 0 3.5 =W40 +B63 -W10 -- +B49 -B19 -W37 -B36 +W64
53 Stone,Daniel Jared 0 3.5 -W55 +B73 +W63 +B31 =W13 -B17 -- -- --
54 Murphy,Justin 1442 3.0 -- =W19 +B40 =BYE =BYE =B35 -W27 -- --
55 Negi,Ravindra 1 1025 3.0 +B53 -W20 -B39 +W65 -B30 -W44 -B51 +W58 -W43
56 Bolan,Jamie 0 3.0 -- -- -- +B59 -B67 +W65 -W21 -B61 +W68
57 Dhandapani,Senthil 0 3.0 +W34 -B45 -W32 -B46 -W25 -- -B49 +B69 +W67
58 Magesh,Devahuti 0 3.0 -W47 +B70 -W34 -B43 +W73 -B38 -W40 -B55 +B75
59 Mulder,Brendon 0 3.0 -- -- -- -W56 +W70 -B63 +B73 +W68 -B39
60 Stott,Isaac 0 3.0 -- -- +W61 =W49 +B47 =BYE -BYE -B21 --
61 Thuaux,Alex 0 3.0 -- -- -B60 +B69 -W19 +W68 -B50 +W56 -B49
62 Gaikwad,Nandkumar 1708 2.5 -W1 +B16 =W19 -B34 -- +W49 -- -- --
63 Nichols,John 1058 2.5 =BYE -W52 -B53 -- -- +W59 -B48 +W73 -B47
64 Janarthanan,Abinesh 0 2.5 +B67 +W28 -B44 -W10 -B39 =W15 -B14 -W19 -B52
65 Kennan,Goushihan S. 0 2.5 -W37 -B34 +W73 -B55 =W40 -B56 -- -W47 +B70
66 Polic,Zoran 1869 2.0 -- +W39 -- +B45 -BYE -- -- -- --
67 Lin,Eric 1291 2.0 -W64 +B74 -W23 -B42 +W56 -B20 -W43 -B46 -B57
68 Joseph,Arnold 0 2.0 -W22 -B32 +W70 -B48 -W43 -B61 +W69 -B59 -B56
69 Musa,Sethi 0 2.0 -B48 -W46 -B51 -W61 +B75 -W37 -B68 -W57 +B73
70 Vella,Arthur 747 1.5 -B49 -W58 -B68 -- -B59 =BYE -- +W75 -W65
71 Soliman,Soliman 1432 1.0 +W72 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
72 Tomlinson,Peter 433 1.0 -B71 +W75 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
73 Evans,Jack 0 1.0 -B39 -W53 -B65 +W75 -B58 -W24 -W59 -B63 -W69
74 Griffiths,Alexander 0 0.0 -B33 -W67 -B75 -- -- -- -- -- --
75 Negi,Roma 0 0.0 -- -B72 -W74 -B73 -W69 -- -- -B70 -W58

Please ensure you email byes@rootyhillchessclub.org if you are unable to make it to your game.