2021 Rooty Hill Blitz Championship

2021 Rooty Hill Blitz Championship – Monday 22 June

Final Standings

Nos Name                FIDE Pts  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9  
1 Polic,Zoran         1939 8.0 +W22 +B7  +W3  +W2  +B8  +W5  +B10 +B13 -W4
2 Phan,James          2283 7.5 +W6  +B17 +W13 -B1  +W7  =B3  +W9  +B5  +W8
3 McGowan,Cameron     2341 7.5 +B21 +W9  -B1  +B4  +W13 =W2  +B8  +B6  +W10 
4 Rahman,Tarek        1958 6.0 +B11 =W8  +B9  -W3  +B15 =W10 -B5  +W25 +B1
5 Rupasinghe,Sayum    1887 6.0 +W14 -B13 +W19 +B20 +W6  -B1  +W4  -W2  +B16
6 Prithvi,Parthiv     1729 6.0 -B2  +W27 +B25 +W12 -B5  +W31 +B16 -W3  +B20
7 Quek,Kristine       1767 6.0 +B12 -W1  +B26 +W14 -B2  -W24 +B31 +W23 +W13   
8 Anup Kumar,Vihaan   1795 5.5 +W19 =B4  +W17 +B15 -W1  +B21 -W3  +B20 -B2       
9 Siva Sankaran,Anup  1915 5.5 +B26 -B3  -W4  +W25 +B14 +W15 -B2  +W27 =B11   
10 de Villiers,Jean       0 5.5 +B23 +W33 -B11 +W31 +W22 =B4  -W1  +B21 -B3    
11 Jurac,Anthony       1587 5.5 -W4  +B34 +W10 -B13 +W20 +B23 -W21 +B24 =W9    
12 Rupasinghe,Chanya   1435 5.5 -W7  +B40 =W22 -B6  +W32 -B20 +W35 +B26 +W21   
13 Vincent,Alaina      2062 5.0 +B18 +W5  -B2  +W11 -B3  +W27 +B24 -W1  -B7 
14 Cyriac,Jose         1468 5.0 -B5  +W31 +B18 -B7  -W9  +W28 +B15 -W16 +B23   
15 Oshana,Fares        1333 5.0 +B37 +W18 +B28 -W8  -W4  -B9  -W14 +B29 +B25   
16 Thuaux,Alan            0 5.0 +B33 -W25 +B23 +W24 -W21 +B22 -W6  +B14 -W5    
17 Yao,John            1856 5.0 +B25 -W2  -B8  +W26 -B24 +W32 -W20 +B34 +B27   
18 Al-Neemy,Laith      1683 5.0 -W13 -B15 -W14 +B35 +W19 +B38 -W23 +B22 +W24   
19 Herreros,Bill       1436 5.0 -B8  +W29 -B5  -W23 -B18 +W30 +B39 +W31 +B28    
20 Janarthanan,Abinesh 1006 4.5 +B28 =W21 +B27 -W5  -B11 +W12 +B17 -W8  -W6    
21 Fatohi,Emad Ghanim  1653 4.5 -W3  =B20 +W39 +W37 +B16 -W8  +B11 -W10 -B12  
22 Soliman,Soliman     1586 4.5 -B1  +W24 =B12 +W29 -B10 -W16 +B33 -W18 +B31    
23 Dhandapani,Senthil     0 4.0 -W10 +B30 -W16 +B19 +W38 -W11 +B18 -B7  -W14   
24 Joseph,Albert       1228 4.0 +W30 -B22 +W32 -B16 +W17 +B7  -W13 -W11 -B18 
25 Matanagh,Kamran     1463 4.0 -W17 +B16 -W6  -B9  +W34 +B37 +W29 -B4  -W15   
26 Joseph,Baby         1569 4.0 -W9  +B32 -W7  -B17 +B28 +W36 -B27 -W12 +B33   
27 Ravichandran,Magesh 1362 4.0 +W38 -B6  -W20 +B39 +W37 -B13 +W26 -B9  -W17
28 Nair,Aaditya           0 4.0 -W20 +B35 -W15 +B34 -W26 -B14 +W37 +B36 -W19
29 Thuaux,Alexander       0 4.0 +W35 -B19 +W30 -B22 -B31 +W33 -B25 -W15 +B39
30 Magesh,Devahuti        0 4.0 -B24 -W23 -B29 +W40 -B33 -B19 +W36 +W39 +B32
31 Joseph,Arnold        468 3.0 +W39 -B14 +W38 -B10 +W29 -B6  -W7  -B19 -W22
32 Janarthanan,Ashwiinah  0 3.0 +BYE -W26 -B24 +W36 -B12 -B17 -W34 +B35 -W30
33 Negi,Ravindra        443 3.0 -W16 -B10 +W40 -B38 +W30 -B29 -W22 +B37 -W26 
34 Vella,Arthur         460 3.0 +B36 -W11 -B37 -W28 -B25 +W40 +B32 -W17 -B35 
35 Vincent,Alvin        212 3.0 -B29 -W28 -B36 -W18 +B40 +W39 -B12 -W32 +W34
36 Thamilchelvan,Yaalavan 0 3.0 -W34 -B38 +W35 -B32 +W39 -B26 -B30 -W28 +W37 
37 Kennan,Goushihan       0 2.0 -W15 +B39 +W34 -B21 -B27 -W25 -B28 -W33 -B36
38 Kelly.Joseph           0 2.0 -B27 +W36 -B31 +W33 -B23 -W18  --   --   --
39 Negi,Roma              0 0.0 -B31 -W37 -B21 -W27 -B36 -B35 -W19 -B30 -W29
40 Musa,Sethi             0 0.0  --  -W12 -B33 -B30 -W35 -B34  --   --   -- 

Please ensure you email byes@rootyhillchessclub.org if you are unable to make it to your game.